Buddha Tarot Companion: A Mandala タロット教本 [52736055]

Buddha Tarot Companion: A Mandala タロット教本 [52736055]

販売価格: 8,150(税込)

在庫数 19枚


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The Buddha Tarot Companion: A Mandala of Cards

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The twenty two sequential cards of the Tarot's Major Arcana are often seen in larger terms as a depiction of the archetypal Hero's Journey. The journey from the naivete of the Fool card to the universal consciousness of the World card is in many ways a path similar to Prince Siddhartha's journey to enlightenment.
In this companion guide to The Buddha Tarot, artist and writer Robert M. Place, who drew parallels between Christianity and the Tarot in the Tarot of the Saints, now applies his unique vision to connect the Eastern and Western spiritual experience.
This book examines the history and development of Tarot, from its roots in the Middle Ages to its myriad modern incarnations. The author also delves deeply into Western mysticism and philosophy, showing 文字数が多い為省略させていただきます。

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Buddha Tarot Companion: A Mandala タロット教本

