2022, Short film

Release Year: 2022
Country: Brasil
Director: Uilton Oliveira
Writer: Uilton Oliveira
Producer: Gabriela Holz and Janaina Oliveira Re.Fem


“Exploitation is the law, the strike is the crime.” In the context of the strong strike of the working class and the police repression that followed in Brazil in the 1920s, the short film revives the figure of the union leader Domingos Passos and does so, moreover, based on recreations given that the The Bolsonaro government limited, as a policy, access and use of the nation’s film archive.

About the director


Uilton Oliveira is Soteropolitan, historian, audiovisual director and film club member. Founder and curator of Cineclube Cine Outrx and Mostra do Filme Marginal. He directed the short films: Encruza, Nosso Passos Seguirão os Seus, O Carnaval de Rua é Festa do Povo. He works in research, curation, programming, production and distribution of films.

He is part of the APAN-Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals where he collaborates as Content and Logistics Manager of the Todesplay Streaming Platform and in the Distribution WG.