Anna Frank Didn't Go to Stadium
2019, Documentary
Release Year: November 23, 2019
Country: Italy
Director: Cristiano Esposito
Writer: Cristiano Esposito
Producer: I.C. “Caparo” and NMC New Media Com
22nd October 2017, Olimpic Stadium, Rome: on the field, Lazio and Cagliari are playing for the Italian Serie A, a match that the Lazio will win 3-0. In North stand of the stadium, appear a photo, showing Anna Frank dressed with Roma’soccer jersey, the rival team in the city. Through the look of young children, acting the different moments of the short film, we’ll travel since the Italian racial laws of Mussolini, till the actual situation in the stadiums, with an intense cinematographie that gives back, from the photos of deported athletes to the faces of young girls and boys, the meaning that everything could happen again.
About the Director
Born in Ischia on 12 April 1971, he has written for about twenty years for cinema, theatre, radio, and TV. Graduated in leopardian hermeneutics, he has directed and produced television formats and programs, theatre and radio shows for regional networks; he has conducted talk shows and reportage on radio and TV.
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